Tarot Tuesdays – Marseille Cut-up with Leonora

Tarot de Marseille and Cut-Up Technique is a brief presentation of pandemic madness disguised as occult innovation. Was it boredom, Burroughs, or gender dysphoria that made Leonora cut up a perfectly innocent Tarot de Marseille and (dis)create a method for divination? Come find out! Please bring a deck of your own. Don’t worry, you won’t be […]

Tarot Tuesday (FVP)

Join us for a class on tarot by our esteemed membership. This event is at a small venue, so FVP status and an RSVP must be confirmed with cruxansata.master@oto-usa.org Please contact us at least 48 hours in advance for the location and attendance information. Crux Ansata welcomes new members! If you have never attended an […]

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