Tarot Tuesday (FVP)
Join us for a class on tarot by our esteemed membership. This event is at a small venue, so FVP status and an RSVP must be confirmed with cruxansata.master@oto-usa.org Please […]
Crux Ansata Oasis of Ordo Templi Orientis
Crux Ansata is the local chartered body of Ordo Templi Orientis in Denver, Colorado.
Join us for a class on tarot by our esteemed membership. This event is at a small venue, so FVP status and an RSVP must be confirmed with cruxansata.master@oto-usa.org Please […]
This year the Celebration of the Supreme Ritual falls on the Spring Equinox. Crux Ansata's master will preform the invocation of Horus before we partake of a potluck feast at […]